The Importance of Annual Checkups

You eat healthy, exercise, and avoid harmful habits like smoking, but do you go in for an annual checkup with your doctor? Having an annual checkup is one of the most important ways you can protect your health. Dr. Paul Keinarth and Dr. Kelly Alberda at Family Health Center in Austin, TX, provide comprehensive medical care, including annual checkups to help you stay healthy.

What You Need to Know about Annual Checkups

When you visit your doctor for an annual checkup, it’s a great way to be proactive to maintain your health. An annual checkup provides an opportunity to diagnose and treat minor medical issues before they can become major medical problems.

Remember that many medical conditions can develop with little to no signs or symptoms until they are more serious. An annual checkup can help your doctor identify:

  • High blood pressure, which can cause heart damage if left untreated
  • High cholesterol, which can cause arterial plaque if left untreated
  • Elevated blood sugar levels, which can indicate diabetes
  • Arthritis, which can lead to permanent joint damage if not managed
  • Osteoporosis, which can lead to increased fracture risk if left untreated

Your doctor can also help you manage other chronic health conditions, including asthma, allergies, obesity, hormonal imbalances, and more. There are several steps that will happen during your annual checkup. Your doctor will:

  • Perform a comprehensive physical examination
  • Record your vital signs, height, weight, and other baseline information
  • Order blood tests and other lab work to check for underlying medical issues
  • Order x-rays and other medical imaging studies if necessary
  • Prescribe medications to control your blood pressure, cholesterol, and other factors
  • Administer recommended vaccinations for flu, pneumonia, shingles, COVID, and more
  • Recommend dietary modifications to help you maintain a healthy weight
  • Recommend exercises to keep you fit and active
  • Recommend stress reduction techniques to calm your mind and body

Want to Know More?

To learn more about the importance of annual checkups and how they can help you stay healthy, call Dr. Paul Keinarth and Dr. Kelly Alberda at Family Health Center in Austin, TX. You can reach them in the office by calling (512) 459-9889, so call today.

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